Avicennia officinalis  L.
Avicennia officinalis L 

True mangrove species 
Medium tree, upto 20 m high with smooth bark. 
Branches both spreading and erect. 
Pencil like pneumatophores occasionally stilt roots present 
Aerial roots with thick corky aerenchyma cells and numerous lenticels present on the cortex. 
Leaves coriaceous, elliptic, oblong or obovate oblong, very obtuse or rounded apically, glabrous, smooth and shining above, never glaucous whitish beneath, 10 - 14 cm long and 4 - 6 cm broad. 
Flowers zygomorphic, sessile in compact heads. 6 - 8 mm in diam., corolla orange yellow, glabrous within, tetramerous. 
Capsule contain 4 seeds 
Seeds flattened with thin testa. 
Seed germination epigeal or modified epigeal, crypto-viviparous or incipient viviparous. 

Economic Importance : Produce fire wood, timber and bark tannin 
Leaves litter enrich the soil and water with high organic manure.